Emiliano Stornelli is the founding Chairman of the Religion & Security Council (RSC). He established RSC in 2016 to promote the role of the religious factor in peace-building, crisis management, and conflicts resolution. His expertise encompasses a variety of fields, such as: research and analysis on foreign affairs and security issues, with particular focus on the MENA and Gulf region; addressing militant thinking, radicalization, and violent extremism; promotion of interreligious dialogue initiatives, engaging religious leaders, officials, scholars, practitioners, and civil society organizations. He designed and coordinated interreligious programs in Lebanon (Tripoli, 2018-2019), as well as forums, panel discussions, study seminars, and other meetings in Italy, with participants from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Currently, Emiliano Stornelli is also an Advisor on Research and Program Development to the “De Gasperi” Foundation (Rome), a KAICIID European Fellow, and an Advisor to the Nordic Counter Terrorism Network (NCTN), International Association for Counter-Terrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP), and to the IACSP Southeast Asia Region (IACSP SEA). Formerly, he was an Advisor on Program Development to the Pontifical Missionary Union and the International Center for Mission and Formation, Vatican City (2016-2020); Director of the Mediterranean & Middle East Program at the Italian Atlantic Committee (Rome, 2011-2016), and Advisor to the President of the Atlantic Treaty Association (Brussels, 2014-2016). Specialized in Strategic Studies at the Center for High Defense Studies (Italian Ministry of Defense), Emiliano Stornelli was Visiting Researcher at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C., and collaborated with the Military Center for Strategic Studies. He graduated at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. Twitter @e_stornelli