RSC Senior Fellow Ms. Shireen Al Mashaqba concluded her participation in the KAICIID International Fellows Programme 2023, as a member of the Arab Cohort. The initiative brought together 69 leaders and educators from the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and other religious traditions, coming from 37 different countries. They undertook an intensive year-long training on dialogue facilitation, intercultural communication, promoting social cohesion, addressing hate speech, sectarian conflicts, and violent extremism.
Ms. Al Mashaqba received her fellowship certificate from Dr. Zuhair Al Harithi, KAICIID Secretary General, during the graduation ceremony which was held at the KAICIID’s headquarters in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, on 4 December 2023.
Ms. Mashaqba was chosen to deliver a speech to represent the KAICIID Fellows of the Arab region. She also presented her initiative under the KAICIID International Fellows Programme 2023, consisting in a study seminar on the role of religious leaders in promoting peace and security in society, with a focus on the Jordanian model based on building bridges of dialogue, mutual understanding, and cooperation between religious groups.