A new “Human Fraternity Forum” for children has been launched in ten schools in and around Sivagangai, district of Tamil Nadu. This forum draws inspiration from the Human Fraternity Document. His Holiness Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb on February 4, 2019, signed the document titled “Human Fraternity – For World Peace and Living Together.”
This document holds a great significance for all men an women of good will. The Document accentuates the importance of promoting peace and coexistence in our interconnected world through understanding, dialogue, and collaboration among individuals, from faiths and cultures.
Children from the sixth grade to ninth grade were given an open invitation to join this Forum. In this Forum, both boys and girls are equally represented. In the first meeting the salient features of the document were introduced to students and teachers who would be animating them. Both the student members and teacher animators were enthusiastic about the venture and participated actively. Student members themselves suggested the following topics for discussion and action for the coming months: Learning the faith and practices of different religions, Getting familiar with the Sacred Scriptures and Traditions of different religions, Understanding Gandhian non-violence as a way of life, Learning to build up harmonious relationship with nature, Learning to build up fraternal relationship with other religious and communal groups and Appreciating the unity in diversity for human fraternity including nature.
Jesuit Father Cyril of Madurai province, an associate member of Islamic Studies Association, Delhi coordinates the Human Fraternity Forums and has been involved in giving human rights education for children since 1998. He has trained many teachers to teach human rights education in schools.