The book is a bouquet of essays appeared in the last forty volumes of Salaam, the journal of Islamic Studies Association based in Delhi, highlighting the concrete efforts for Christian–Muslim relations in India which might bring some light and encouragement to those involved in the same venture even in other contexts. Overcoming tensions and prejudices, we believe in building up ‘alternative’ communities witnessing reciprocally the love for God and for all human beings, faithful to our own traditions and in the spirit of Document on the Human Fraternity jointly signed in Abu Dhabi (2019) by Pope Francis and the Grand Iman of al–Azhar, Ahmad al–Tayyeb. That is not only an exclusive pattern for Christians and Muslims but can be an inspiration for dialogue for all religious traditions.
Edited by
Ambrogio Bongiovanni
Victor Edwin
Contributions: Sam V. BHAJJAN, Ambrogio BONGIOVANNI, Maurice BORRMANS, Michael CALABRIA, Kenneth CRAGG, Victor EDWIN, Terence FARIAS, Michael L. FITZGERALD, J.M. GAUDEUL, George GISPERT–SAUCH, Paul JACKSON, Khurshid KHAN, Daniel A. MADIGAN, Chrys MCVEY, Thomas MICHEL, Gerardette PHILIPS, Desiderio PINTO, Herman ROBORGH, Patrick J. RYAN, Christian W. TROLL, Francesco ZANNINI.